Thursday, August 6 2015 at the Gd. Rectorate Meeting Room. Gen. Sudirman Lt. II UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a Handover of Position and Inauguration of Ka. BPM, Ka. LPPM, Public [...]
Depok, July 29 2015 at the UPNVJ Faculty of Health Sciences, Limo Campus, Depok, a series of pilot activities "Integrated Disaster Management Simulation" was held. This activity was carried out [...]
Thursday, June 25 2015 at the Gd. Rectorate Meeting Room. Gen. Sudirman Lt. II UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held the Handover of Positions and Inauguration of MPM and BEM UPN "Veteran" [...]
Music is sound that is arranged in such a way that it contains rhythm, song and harmony, especially sound produced from instruments that can produce rhythm. Although music is a [...]
In simple terms, book review is defined as an activity to re-express the contents of a book written by the author briefly and by providing suggestions related to the strengths [...]
Under the guidance of Mr. Ruddy Ho as a Lecturer in Business Knowledge, students who took the Business Knowledge Course in Information System Study Program FIK UPNVJ, on Thursday 4 [...]
Thursday, 4 June 2015 Public Health Study Program FIKES held a National Seminar entitled "The Role and Strategy of Public Health Workers in Facing the 2016 ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). [...]
Present again were the offerings from FISIP UPNVJ students who took the Event Management Course under the guidance of Mrs. Dr. Ispawati Asri, MM presented the Grand Performance which was [...]
Tuesday, May 28 2015 at the IDX Room, lt. 4 Gd. M. Husni Thamrin UPNVJ Faculty of Economics held an E-Audit Seminar entitled "The New Generation of Audit" . The [...]
Wednesday, May 27 2015 at Lt. 3 Gd. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Faculty of Medicine held a seminar entitled "Mobile Computing is Connecting the World" . The seminar initiated by the [...]