General Information SNMPTN 2016

Download Initial Information (PDF)


Acceptance of new students must fulfill the principles of fairness, accountability, transparency and non-discrimination by not discriminating against gender, religion, ethnicity, race, social position, and level of economic ability of prospective students and still paying attention to the potential of prospective students and the specifics of tertiary institutions. Universities as education providers after secondary education accept prospective students who have high academic achievements and are predicted to succeed in completing studies at tertiary institutions based on academic achievement. Students who achieve high and consistently show their achievements deserve the opportunity to become prospective students through SNMPTN.

Within the framework of integrating secondary education with higher education, schools are given a role in the SNMPTN selection process with the assumption that schools as educational units and teachers as educators always uphold honor and honesty as part of the principles of character education. Thus, schools are obliged to fill out the School and Student Data Base (PDSS) completely and correctly, as well as encourage and support students in the registration process.


The objectives of SNMPTN are as follows:

  1. provide opportunities for high school students (SMA), Madrasah Aliyah (MA), Vocational High Schools (SMK), or Republic of Indonesia Schools (SRI) abroad who have excellent achievements to obtain higher education,
  2. provide opportunities for PTN to get prospective new students who have high academic achievement.

General requirements

  1. SNMPTN is a national selection pattern based on academic achievement tracking results using semester 1 (one) to semester 5 (five) report cards for SMA/MA and SMK with a study period of 3 (three) years or semester 1 (one) to semester 7 (seven) for SMKs with a study period of 4 (four) years, as well as the Academic Portfolio.
  2. The School and Student Database (PDSS) is a database containing track records of school performance and student academic achievement.
  3. Schools whose students will take part in SNMPTN must have a National School Identification Number (NPSN) and enter student achievement data in the PDSS.
  4. Students who are entitled to take part in the selection are students who have a national Student Identification Number (NISN), have excellent achievements and a track record of academic achievement, and are registered with the PDSS.
  5. Students who will register for SNMPTN must read the information on the selected PTN page regarding the provisions related to the admission of new students.

Special Provisions

School Requirements

Schools whose students are eligible to take part in SNMPTN are:

  1. SMA/MA, public and private SMK, (including SRI abroad) that have NPSN.
  2. Have filled out the PDSS completely and correctly.

Applicant Student Requirements

SNMPTN registration

Students of SMA/MA, SMK last class in 2016 who:

  1. have superior achievements, namely: prospective participants enter the best ranking in schools in semester three, semester four and semester five, with conditions based on school accreditation as follows:
    1. accreditation A, 75% best in school;
    2. accreditation B, 50% best in school;
    3. accreditation C, the best 20% in school;
    4. other accreditation, the best 10% in his school.
  2. have NISN and registered with PDSS,
  3. have semester one to fifth semester report cards (for SMA/MA students, three-year Vocational High Schools) or semester one to seventh semester report cards (for four-year Vocational High Schools) that have been filled in the PDSS.
  4. meet other requirements determined by each PTN (can be seen on the PTN page concerned).

Acceptance at PTN

Participants are accepted at PTN, if:

  1. pass the education unit;
  2. pass SNMPTN 2016; And
  3. pass data verification and meet other requirements determined by each recipient PTN.

Procedures for Following SNMPTN

The procedure for participating in SNMPTN is carried out through three stages, namely (1) filling out the PDSS by schools and verification by students, (2) ranking, and (3) registration for SNMPTN by students.

PDSS Filling and Verification

  1. The school principal or someone assigned by the school principal to fill out school and student data in the PDSS must go through the page.
  2. The Principal or assigned by the Principal gets a password that will be used by students to verify.
  3. Students verify academic achievement track record data (report scores) filled in by the Principal or assigned by the Principal using the NISN and password.
  4. If students do not verify the academic achievement track record data (report scores) filled in by the Principal or assigned by the Principal, the data entered is considered correct and cannot be changed after the verification time ends.


  1. The National Committee, through the system, ranks students based on the scores of the subjects that are the test subjects in the 2016 National Examination (UN) in semester three, semester four and semester five.
  2. For students who meet the requirements, namely having superior academic achievement based on the ranking carried out by the National Committee according to school accreditation provisions, are permitted to register for the 2016 SNMPTN.

SNMPTN registration

  1. Registrants who meet the ranking criteria use the NISN and login password to the SNMPTN page to register.
  2. Applicants fill in their biodata, choice of PTN, and choice of study program, as well as upload the latest official photograph and additional achievement documents (if any). Applicant students must read and understand all the provisions that apply to the PTN to be selected.
  3. Applicants to the arts and sports study program are required to upload a portfolio and proof of skills documents that have been approved by the Principal using guidelines that can be downloaded from the page.
  4. Registrants print Participant Identity Cards as proof of SNMPTN participation.

For schools and/or applicants who have difficulty accessing the Internet, they can fill in the PDSS or register at PLASA TELKOM throughout Indonesia.

SNMPTN schedule

The SNMPTN implementation schedule is as follows:

PDSS Filling and Verification January 18 – February 20, 2016
SNMPTN registration 29 February – 12 March 2016
Printing of SNMPTN Participant Cards 22 March – 21 April 2016
Selection Process 24 March – 8 May 2016
Announcement of Selection Results May 9, 2016
The process of verification and/or re-registration at each PTN for those who pass the selection May 31, 2016
along with the implementation of the 2016 SBMPTN written examination

Announcement of selection results is carried out according to schedule through the official SNMPTN website at and the following 11 mirror pages:

Number of PTN Options and Study Programs

  1. Registrants can choose a maximum of 2 (two) PTN. If you choose 2 (two) PTNs, then one of the PTNs must be in the same province as the SMA it is from. If you choose one PTN, then the selected PTN can be in any province.
  2. Applicants can choose a maximum of 3 (three) study programs with the provision that in one PTN they can choose a maximum of 2 (two) study programs.
  3. The order of choice of PTN and study program states the priority of choice.
  4. SMK students are only allowed to choose relevant study programs and are determined by each PTN.
  5. The list of study programs and 2016 SNMPTN capacities can be seen on the page during the registration period.


SNMPTN costs are borne by the Government, so that Applicant Students are not charged anything (free).

Principles and Stages of Selection

Selection Principle

Selection is made based on the principle:

  1. get prospective students who are academically qualified by using report cards and other academic achievements that are relevant to the chosen study program;
  2. taking into account the school's track record of performance, including: school accreditation, student achievements of the alumni of the school in question, the number of students accepted through the SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Independent Selection pathways in the previous year, as well as other achievements determined by each PTN;
  3. using signs of national selection criteria and criteria set by each PTN in a fair, accountable and transparent manner.

Selection Stages

Selection is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Applicants are selected at the first choice PTN based on the order of choice of study program,
  2. Applicants who choose two PTNs, if they fail to pass the first choice PTN, will be selected at the second choice PTN based on the order of choice of study program and availability of capacity.

Sanctions for Schools and/or Students Committing Cheating

Strict application for students/prospective students and/or schools who commit fraud with the following sanctions:

  1. Schools that commit fraud are not included in the following year's SNMPTN.
  2. Students who commit fraud will have their SNMPTN graduation status cancelled.

Official Website and Address of the National Committee

  1. Official information about SNMPTN can be accessed via the page.
  2. Other official information can also be obtained via and call center 08041 450 450.
  3. Information can also be obtained at the nearest State University Public Relations office.
  4. Address of the 2016 SNMPTN National Committee:
    Yogyakarta State University (UNY) Rectorate Building, North Wing, 1st Floor
    Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281,
    Telephone (0274) 544049,
    Facsimile (0274) 520 325,
    E-mail :


  1. Applicant students from underprivileged families can apply for Bidikmisi tuition assistance via the page.
  2. Changes to provisions relating to the implementation of the 2016 SNMPTN will be informed via the page.

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