880 Prospective SNBP Pathway Students Undertake Health Tests at UPNVJ


Public Relations UPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) conducted medical tests on 880 prospective new students who passed the National Achievement Based Selection route.

There are 6 health test parameters, namely a test free of narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances consisting of Amphethamine, Methamphethamine, Cocaine, Morphine, Marijuana and Benzodiazephine.

"Today we are carrying out drug tests on prospective SNBP students. This is something that must be carried out as the main requirement for becoming a UPNVJ student. Hopefully all the results will be negative and the activities will run smoothly," said Dr. Ria Maria Theresa, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation while monitoring the medical tests at the Merce UPNVJ Limo Building, on Thursday (28/03/24).

In its implementation, prospective students are asked to prepare themselves by bringing files which include 1 sheet of 2024 SNBP card, 1 sheet of proof of payment for medical tests, and stationery.

Azzira Fitria Maharani, one of the prospective new students of the medical study program who passed the SNBP route, came with her parents, admitting that she still didn't expect that she would get to this stage and everything would go smoothly.

"Happy and still didn't expect to get to this stage, but everything went smoothly and the results were good for the health test, the information provided was also clear by the officers," said Azzira. (*ans/hum)



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