Public Relations UPNVJ - In accordance with the need to adjust the promotion process in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2023 concerning Functional Positions and Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 31 of 2022 concerning One Data on Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, then based on Ministerial Decree Number 209/P/2024 concerning Technical Instructions for the Implementation of Lecturer Career Development and Professional Development Services, the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta, which is part of a team from Civil Service, is holding a socialization on Matching Lecturer Data and Conditions for Academic Promotion in Term Transition. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology informs that there are 2 (two) services that need to be paid attention to by Universities and Lecturers: Implementing Lecturer Data Matching and Opening Promotion Services for Civil Servant and Non-ASN Lecturers.
UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Henry Binsar, explained about matching lecturer data and provisions for promotion during the transition period to lecturers in the UPNVJ environment in general and continued with a presentation from the UPNVJ personnel team.
This socialization activity was held in a hybrid manner. Taking place at the UPNVJ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium and via the zoom meeting platform and attended by approximately 200 participants, namely UPNVJ lecturers.